Historical society celebrates museum’s 3rd anniversary.

May 17, 2016
The Pentwater Historical Society Museum.

The Pentwater Historical Society Museum.

PENTWATER — On Saturday, May 28, the Historical Museum will open its doors at noon to start its Third Anniversary Celebration.

The museum is a destination point for visitors; a gathering place for the community; and a unique display of Pentwater pride. This year, the museum offers some newly-acquired ‘old’ signs from various businesses, as well as a huge salt and pepper shaker collection that includes over 800 sets.

The museum also has, on loan, from a private collection, old milk bottles from Oceana and Mason counties. All of these collections and pictures are translated into a compelling story of our history and legacy.

Also included in the special exhibits will be the newly-released video – The Pentwater Historical Museum Video. This video was a collaboration of work by Claudia Ressel-Hodan and Ron Beeber.

Outside the museum, volunteers will serve coffee, tea, cake, cookies and old-fashioned popcorn. Check out a Tin Can Raffle with lots of exciting gifts.

Everything is free, and children are always welcome.

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