LUDINGTON — Students from the West Shore Educational Service District recently visited Safe Harbor Credit Union to learn how a financial institution works. The tour was part of the Financial Literacy program offered by Safe Harbor in observation of Youth Credit Union Month. The students were from classes taught by Niki Boerema and Kay Ketz.
“April is Youth Month here at Safe Harbor Credit Union and we are wanting our youth to be financially fit,” said Kyle Gurzynski, operations manager. “We partnered with Ms. Boerema and Ms. Grimes and their students to talk about financial literacy. Ms. Boerema’s class wanted to learn more after the financial literacy course and decided to take a tour of Safe Harbor Credit Union to see how everything operated on a daily basis.
“This was a unique opportunity for her class to enjoy a tour through the credit union and see what we do on a daily basis,” Gurzynski said. “The students enjoyed all the games we have in the lobby for youth month and some different prizes and goodies. During the financial literacy course the class learned credit union vocabulary, how to budget their money, the difference between a credit union and a bank, ways to save their money, and why it is important to create a budget and stick to it. After completing the course they toured the credit union to see where the safe was, how the front line processes transactions, how membership office opens accounts, how an ATM works, and how the lending department works.”
Safe Harbor Credit Union offers the classes year round for all ages.
“We even can come into the classroom,” Gurzynski said.
To set up a tour or visit, contact Safe Harbor Credit Union at 231.843.2323 or e-mail Gurzynski at
Safe Harbor continues to celebrate Youth Month in their lobby for members to enjoy games and prizes. Plus, on April 29 it will have healthy snacks and drinks for members to enjoy in the lobby.