HHS teacher publishes 2nd book.

March 11, 2016
Brett Ramseyer - Photo by Joan Ramseyer.

Brett Ramseyer
– Photo by Joan Ramseyer.

HART — “Waiting for Bells” grows from the rows of a Michigan classroom.

HHS teacher Brett Ramseyer cultivates school halls to harvest the tales of tragedy, talent, love, loss, depression, desire, betrayal and hope from both students and staff.  These seeds of theme sprout to life in the characters he creates in the five sections of his short story collection: Teaching, Prep School, Bachelors, Study Abroad and Graduates.

“Bucks’ is my favorite (short story) in ‘Waiting for Bells,’” said HHS junior Gracee Compagner. “I like dark stories.”  

Readers can view weekly sneak peek excerpts from “Waiting for Bells” at https://bramseyer.wordpress.com/.

To purchase “Waiting for Bells” or Ramseyer’s debut novel “Come not to Us”

Cover artwork by Georgia Curtis.

(2014), visit his online bookstore at http://lulu.com/spotlight/BrettRamseyer.

Ramseyer, now in his 16th year teaching English at Hart High School also hopes to offer a creative publishing course for high school students in the 2016-17 school year.  

“I cannot wait to share my love of writing literature with students and guide the creation of their own works in a full year class. It is all contingent on how many students sign up for the course,” said Ramseyer. “I am open to all genres including fiction, drama, poetry or memoir.”

“Creative publishing is at the top of my list for classes next year,” said junior Krista Frasier.

Born, raised, and schooled in West Michigan, Ramseyer continues to live there with his wife and three children.  “Former teachers have become colleagues and friends; friends have become parents of my students; and now students are colleagues. I enjoy that things have spun full circle in our small community,” said Ramseyer.  “In these cycles, I find the inspiration for fiction.”

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