Shelby man charged with attempted robbery.

February 12, 2016


SHELBY — Timothy Veltman, 31, of Shelby has been arrested and charged with the Jan. 7 attempted robbery of the Mitt Stop, located at 269 S. State St., according to Lt. Craig Mast of the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office.

Veltman’s bond was set at $10,000/10 percent, which he posted, Mast said.

“The clerk made a report to Shelby police of an assailant that had entered the store; made the appearance of being armed; and demanded money from the clerk,” states Mast. “The suspect then fled the scene with no cash. Shelby PD and Oceana County deputies then searched the area and Mason County K-9 came to the scene to attempt to track the suspect. The suspect was not able to be found during the initial investigation.   

“Shelby PD had requested assistance from Oceana County detectives in the follow-up investigation. During this follow-up investigation, Shelby police and Oceana detectives were able to develop a suspect who was then interviewed.  “An arrest warrant was sought from the Oceana County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and was then issued. On Jan. 26, that warrant was served on the suspect.”  

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