WSCC Students technology certifications.

December 14, 2015

MOS_CertifiedVICTORY TOWNSHIP (Mason County) – Thirty-six West Shore Community College students have earned a total of 64 industry recognized Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications to help them become career ready. The students participated in the education technology program to help them develop their Microsoft Office skills.

In addition to the students, the group included two WSCC staff members and a faculty member who chose to seek the certifications as professional development.

According to Dr. Amy Wojciechowski, Business Division Chair, “The Microsoft Office Specialist program gives students in-demand technology skills that not only increase their desktop computing proficiency immediately, they also improve their workforce readiness and put them above the pack when looking for a job.”

The MOS certifications are delivered in the college’s authorized Certiport Testing Center as part of the business program curriculum.  Funding for the exams was provided by a grant from the Michigan Department of Education.

MOS certification is recognized globally as the premier credential to validate knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the Microsoft Office applications. With more than 1 million exams taken annually in 140 countries, MOS is the leading IT certification in the world.

For more information, visit the college’s web site at, WSCC Business Division  and Certiport .

Students earning the Microsoft Office Certifications are:

Cody Anscombe Word, Excel
Danielle Ashley Word
Kaitlin Bunce Word, PowerPoint
Zachary Carlson Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Dawn Carrier Word
Amber Cooper Excel, Access
Lindy Danks Word
Daniel Dellar Excel, Access
Mariah Gregurek Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Kristen Hackert Word, PowerPoint
Nicholas Hargett Word
Jared Knizacky Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Helena Krapohl Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Brianna Lange Word, PowerPoint
Kathryn Lindholm Word
Tara Lyman Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Haley Maser Word
Hope McBride Word
Remington Merriman Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Megan Moffitt Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Rachel Nelson Word, Excel
Kaitlin Oleniczak Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Chase Petersen-Lemire Access
Jeremiah Pumford Word, PowerPoint
Rosa Rendon Excel
Ryan Robins Word
Maria Rosas PowerPoint
Jenny Spicer Word
Hannah Stuck Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Luis Tienda PowerPoint
Devin Tolin Word
Kendra Walsworth Word
Maysie Walters

Sarah Winey



Zachary Zweigle Word, PowerPoint, Excel

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