78th District Court arraignments include meth possession, home invasion, unarmed robbery

December 4, 2015

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.

HART — The following were arraigned recently in front of the 78th District Court Magistrate:


– Danell Lawrence, 36, of 3316 6th St., Muskegon, was arrested by the State, Sheriffs’, Chiefs’ Enforcement of Narcotics Team (SSCENT) for a felony of delivery/manufacture of methamphetamine. Preliminary conference: Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. Bail: $15,000/cash/surety.



– Pamela Jo Silver, 65, of 1125 33rd St., Allegan, was arrested by the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) for a felony of second-degree home invasion. Preliminary conference: Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. Bail: $5,000/personal.

– Dillan Lawrance Hayes, 27, of 13541 Pinewood Dr., Grand Haven, was arrested by the Michigan State Police (MSP) for a felony of unarmed robbery. Preliminary conference: Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. Bail: $5,000/cash.


– Kemal Dunuroglu, 36, of 2998 Chapshire Dr., Grand Rapids; Nov. 15; OCSO; driving while license suspended (DWLS). Pretrial: Dec. 30 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $5,000/personal.

– Georgia Lynn McNerney, 29, of 3241 N. 72nd Ave., Lot 33, Hart; Nov. 22; Hart Police Department (HPD); domestic violence. Pretrial: Dec. 15 at 11:30 a.m. Bail: $1,500/cash/surety/10 percent cash.

– Sara Tice, 21, of 5178 W. Fox Rd., Hart; Nov. 4; OCSO; receiving and concealing stolen property $200-$1,000. Pretrial: Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. Bail: $10,000/10 percent.

– Perry Lee Johnsen, 52, of 1737 S. 44th, Shelby; DNR; taking a deer without a validated tag attached. Pretrial: Dec. 30 at 4:30 p.m. Bail: $5,000/personal.

– Raymond Otis Riddell, 39, of 4581 N, 88th Ave., Hart; Nov. 2; OCSO; operating with a high blood alcohol content (BAC). Pretrial: Jan. 5 at 3:25 p.m.

– Kasey Marie Morgan, 24, of 3241 N. 72nd Ave., Hart; Nov. 23; MSP; operating while intoxicated. Pretrial: Dec. 7.

– Adam Troy Russell, 42, of 1232 N. 122nd Ave.; Nov. 15; OCSO; operating without security/no insurance. Pretrial: Dec. 15 at 1:45 p.m. Bail: $5,000/personal.

– Ashley Marie Claeys, 27, of 41 Grant St., Shelby; MSP; DWLS. Pretrial: Dec. 8 at 10:45 a.m. Bail: $1,000/cash/surety/10 percent.

– Andrew Kenneth Rumsey, 28, of 3014 192nd Ave., Hesperia; MSP; operating without security/no insurance. Pretrial: Dec. 8 at 4:45 p.m. Bail: $5,000/personal.

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