Bacteria found, boil water alert issued

November 13, 2015

shelby water towerSHELBY — Due to the village water system testing positive for coliform bacteria, the village has issued a boil water alert.

The alert was issued by Village Administrator Chelsea Stratil Thursday, Nov. 12. No sicknesses have been reported, Stratil said.

“Due to routine testing, the Village of Shelby’s water system tested positive for coliform bacteria,” the alert states. “Coliform bacteria is an indicator that other bacteria may be present in our water distribution system. As a precautionary measure, we are asking that those serviced by the Shelby water distribution system, do not drink the water without boiling it first. You should use bottled or boiled water for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and food preparation until further notice.”

The water is tested monthly, Stratil said. Results from a second-round of tests will not be available for at least 48 hours, so residents should plan on boiling water throughout the weekend until the alert is lifted, she said.

To read the entire notice, visit the Village of Shelby’s Facebook page.

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