HART — “Coding” is a new term for computer programming, and Oceana Christian School now has a Coding Club.
Coding Club is an opportunity for students to learn beginning computer programming skills at an age-appropriate level. OCS staff is thrilled to be able to expose students to this cutting-edge area of math/science education. Coding develops not only creativity and collaboration, but also persistence and problem solving. Coding helps teach students how to think.
A kickoff event took place at OCS Friday, Oct. 2, which included all students in first grade through eighth grade. The “Unplugged” kickoff gave students a chance to do graph paper programming and make binary bracelets, which were fun and interesting examples of how computers work.
Coding Club is an extension of the computer classes at OCS and will give students who are interested an opportunity to expand their knowledge and challenge themselves. A student can develop the foundation for a career in computer programming, or just get a better understanding of how the technology around us works.
The Club will meet every Friday at lunch recess throughout the winter. Coding Club is an engaging way to incorporate gaming and learning through the materials provided by Code.org.
The Club is funded through a grant from the Michigan STEM Partnership to the Mason-Lake Oceana Mathematics and Science Center.