‘Pizza and politics’ Oct. 4

September 24, 2015

HART — The Oceana County Republican Committee’s annual fall rally, “Pizza and Politics,” is set for Sunday, Oct. 4, at Hart Pizza, beginning at noon.  

“In the past, we have always had a brat fry,” said County Chair Dr. Rudy Ochs. “This year, we decided to try something totally different in hopes of attracting new people. It will be a casual, fun event where attendees can meet and talk with our local and state officials and candidates.”   

Pizza and salad will be served from noon to 4 p.m. There will be a silent auction and cash bar. Cost for the event is $25 per person with a personal check. Century Club members attend for free.  

The next monthly meeting of the Oceana County Republican Committee will be Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 6 p.m. at the Golden Eatery in Mears. There is no cost to attend the meetings, and they are open to interested parties. For more information call Vice Chair Juanita Pierman at 231-869-4338.

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