Oceana Women Who Care will meet Sept. 1

August 17, 2015

Women Who CareGOLDEN TWP. — The next meeting of Oceana’s Women Who Care (WWC) is Tuesday, Sept. 1, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Golden Sands Golf Course, 2501 Wilson Rd. near Mears.

The meeting features two special guests who are the sisters of the founder of 100 Women Who Care — the late Karen Dunigan of Jackson, Mich. Jane Uhila and Patty Sete will describe how their late sister started the WWC concept, and how such a simple idea has had such a large impact.  Also invited to attend the meeting are representatives from other WWC chapters in Western Michigan.

Oceana WWC members are encouraged to bring any friend who would like to know more about Women Who Care. They won’t be obligated to join but cannot be involved in nominating or voting, Sept. 1, unless they bring their checkbook and indicate at registration that they want to join.    

Membership in Oceana’s Women Who Care now totals over 130, so the nonprofit serving Oceana residents that is chosen at each quarterly meeting receives over $13,000 in unanticipated support.

During each quarterly meeting, attendees hear about the great work of three area nonprofits that are chosen at random from suggestions made by WWC members present that evening. Attendees choose one nonprofit, and each attendee writes a $100 personal check to that organization. Members don’t have to attend every meeting, but they do commit to write $100 personal checks to the cause that’s chosen by those who do attend.     

Membership is open to any woman who wants to be involved in this unique, joint effort to support Oceana causes. For more information, contact  Amy LaBarge at 313-268-2086, or visit facebook.com/womenwhocareofoceanacounty.


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