Carrie’s Weekend Picks for Kicks: July 4,5. 

July 2, 2015

fireworksToday, we begin a weekly feature that will highlight some of the upcoming weekend events. Writer Carrie Klemm will present some of her top picks for the weekend with Carrie’s Weekend Picks for Kicks (we might change the name!). 

By Carrie Klemm, OCP Writer.

This weekend is full of local traditions and events. Here are a few highlights where you just might bump into this lady!

  • Ludington Area Jaycees Freedom Festival Grand Parade, Ludington – Saturday, July 4.

The parade begins at 2 p.m. at the corner of Ludington Avenue and Madison Street and will follow the route through downtown Ludington to Lakeshore Drive. Parade entries include representatives of the local law enforcement, tributes to veterans, area high school marching bands, floats supporting businesses and charitable organizations, and last but certainly not least, the Scottville Clown Band.

  • Manistee National Forest Festival, ManisteeThursday, July 2 through Sunday, July 5.

An annual tradition that has taken place for nearly 80 years, the four day celebration features events such as a golf outing at Manistee National Golf & Resort, the Manistee World of Arts & Crafts 44th Annual Art Fair, the 23rd Annual Manistee Jaycees Aquapalooza and the Independence Day Parade, to name a few. For additional information regarding Forest Festival happenings, visit the Manistee Chamber website at

  • FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS! – All over the area!

Pentwater – July 3

Hamlin Lake – July 3

Ludington – July 4

Manistee – July 4

  • West Shore Art Fair, Ludington – Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5

The art fair in Ludington City Park will be open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Artists of various talents will be displaying and selling pieces in booths, each with their own specialty from jewelry to photography, sculpture to woodworking and more! For a map of this year’s fair, visit

  • Michigan Quarter Horse Association Harbor Classic, Ludington – Tuesday, June 30 through Sunday, July 5.

Visit the Mason County Fairgrounds in Ludington to watch equestrians compete in various events throughout the weekend. For more information regarding this weekend’s MQHA show, visit

Finally, as always, if you’re in the area, weather depending, you can find an epic sunset on the shores of Lake Michigan. Though not organized or set at any community driven schedule, it is truly an event not to be missed!

Happy Fourth of July!


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