Women Who Care of Oceana County members writing personal checks during their most recent meeting at the Gull Landing in Pentwater.
SHELBY — Women Who Care of Oceana County continue their generous philanthropy with their recent selection of a school-based health center inside Shelby Middle School as the recipient of personal checks from members totaling $12,900.
This latest contribution brings the total donated by WWC members to over $118,000 since the group’s first meeting in June of 2012.
The center, under the auspices of Michigan’s District Health Department #10, will provide on-site primary health care, behavioral health services, health promotion/disease prevention education, and referral services.
“A great big thank you to all of you wonderful women,” said Katie Jourdan, DHD #10 health educator. “We are so ecstatic that we’ll be able to get all of the medical equipment and supplies we need to stock the Shelby Adolescent Health Center Lab and be up and running by September.”
A large turnout of WWC members at Gull Landing in Pentwater heard about the great work of three area nonprofits, and chose this one. They also heard how the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Hart is using the more than $12,000 it received from members three months ago when selected by attendees at the March meeting.
Four times a year, the women meet for an hour; learn about three worthy causes serving county residents; and choose one that everyone agrees to support with $100 personal checks. Socializing follows for those who have the time to stay.
Membership, currently at 130, is open to any woman who wants to be involved in this unique, joint effort to support Oceana causes. Students are welcome to join if they pledge to contribute $50 to the chosen cause at each quarterly meeting.
The next meeting is Sept. 1 at Golden Sands Golf Course and Restaurant in Mears. For more information, contact Amy LaBarge at 313.268.2086, or visit facebook.com/womenwhocareofoceanacounty.