School bond passes by 5 votes

May 5, 2015

_RSA4644hart_bond_014By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.

HART — Every vote certainly counted during Tuesday’s special election when Hart Public Schools’ bond issue passed by a narrow margin of five votes.

The $15.8 million project that includes major improvements to the aging high school, a new track and improvements to the elementary school was approved 997-992.

“We are extremely pleased, and now we can moved forward,” said Superintendent Mark Platt. “We are stoked. Our committee did some great work.”

Platt said the next step will be sitting down with the architects to finalize the drawings. Work on the track could begin as early as next fall, and building improvements will likely begin next spring. The entire project could be completed about two and a half years from now, he said.

Vote totals by precinct

City of Hart: Yes 250; No 145

Crystal Twp: Yes 52; No 85

Weare Twp: Yes, 29; No 54

Hart Twp: Yes 284, No 250

Leavitt Twp: Yes 3; No 6

Elbridge Twp: Yes 99; No 140

Golden Twp: Yes 274; No 307

Ferry Twp: Yes 5; No 3

Shelby Twp: Yes 1; No 2

TOTAL: 997 Yes; No 992


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