Lt. Gov. Calley speakes at West Shore Community College Friday.
By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.
VICTORY TWP. — Lt. Gov. Brian Calley spoke about the economy of Michigan Friday afternoon during the West Shore Bank Business Symposium at West Shore Community College.
Calley said while Michigan wants to invest in manufacturing, the state has seen a lot of growth in other areas of the economy including the service sector, health care and agriculture.
The way we think about education needs to change, Calley said, adding that 4-year degrees are not always the answer to obtaining higher education anymore. He said that Michigan’s community colleges have stepped up to help create education for vocational careers, a topic that Gov. Rick Snyder is passionate about.
Calley also discussed the upcoming May election when Michigan voters will decided to amend the state’s constitution and increase the sales tax from 6% to 7%. Two-thirds of the money from the sales tax increase would go towards addressing transportation issues in the state.