Warrant arrest

April 2, 2015

vanderhaag_springstead_012015The police news is sponsored by VanderHaag Car Sales of Scottville, 231-757-2727, www.vanderhaagcarsales.com and Springstead Law Offices, with locations in Hart and Fremont, 231-873-4022 (Hart),www.springsteadlaw.com.

The following is local law enforcement activity from Wednesday, March 31, 2015:

HART — A 35-year-old Hart man was arrested by the Hart Police Department Monday, March 30, at 12:20 p.m. on Courtland Street on a warrant issued in Muskegon County for failure to appear.

Other recent local law enforcement activity includes:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015:

– 10:43 a.m., (Michigan State Police) two-car property damage accident, Michigan and Oak streets, Rothbury.

– 9:56 p.m., (MSP), car-deer crash, Polk Rd. and 88th Ave., Hart Twp.


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