WEARE TWP. — The madrigal performance group, the 16th Century Singers, will be singing at the 9 a.m. service at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 2380 W. Jackson Rd. on Sunday, March 29, for the Palm Sunday Service at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
The a capella group will sing two pieces from William Byrd (1543 – 1623), one of the most celebrated English composers of the Renaissance. ‘Justorum Animae’, meaning ‘Souls of the Righteous’, is a reflective anthem and ‘Ave Verum Corpus’, or ‘Hail True Body’, is a meditation on the presence of Jesus in the host and of the redemptive power of suffering in all. They are sung during Offertory and though the explanation and Latin may seem heavy, these pieces are some of the most beautiful and moving ever written!
Members of the 16th Century Singers included in the picture are: front row from left: Lisa Hammond-Koskey, Nancy Miller, Dee Payment, Anne French (director), and Susan Zahrobsky. And in the back row: Diane Miller, Judy Miller, James Matheny & Dale Bonser