Unoccupied trailer destroyed in fire

March 11, 2015

trailer fire -1By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.

GRANT TWP. — An unoccupied trailer was totally destroyed in a fire Wednesday night, March 11, in the Oceana Shores Trailer Park.

trailer fire -2Grant Township Fire Chief Roland Brooks said no one was living inside the trailer, and no one was injured in the blaze. Firefighters from Grant Township and Shelby-Benona departments, as well as Oceana County EMS, were dispatched to the scene at approximately 9:30 p.m. Central Dispatch said a caller from a residence at 7140 S. West Shore Dr. reported the blaze.

Neighbors at the scene said the burned trailer is located on Meadow Lane in the Oceana Shores Trailer Park. An exact address was not immediately available.

After the fire was extinguished, Brooks requested that Central Dispatch call in Deputy Jeff Brown, Oceana Fire Investigator, to the scene.

No other information was immediately available.


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