Introducing our new photo tips blog: The Light Chaser.

January 24, 2015

my_prolab_picsThis site is brought to you free through the generosity of our advertisers. Today we would like to feature a new advertiser,, the official photographic lab of Media Group 31 (our parent company) and Alway Photography.

The Light Chaser.

A blog by Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

Today, we are introducing a new blog to you, The Light Chaser.

I have been photographing professionally for a little over 26 years and have been teaching the subject at West Shore Community College for the past 13 years. My photography specialties include photojournalism, portraiture and landscape. Lately, as loyal readers of this site have probably seen, I have been toying with video as well.

It’s pretty common for me to get questions about photography, which is why I have decided to start writing a blog offering tips about photography.

During my career I have seen the major transition from film to digital (and have survived it!). While film will always have a special place in my heart, I have embraced digital from the “early” days.

MPL Valentine 2-15Digital photography has meant more people than ever are taking pictures. From cell phones to sophisticated single lens reflex cameras, photography is more popular than ever. But, what do you do with your pictures after you take them? Do they stay on your memory card? (If so, slap yourself on the wrist and say “bad photographer!”). Do you download them on your computer and never print them off? (Refer back to previous notation about slapping your wrist).

Digital photography is wonderful for the fact that you can store thousands and thousands of images on a computer without taking up the enormous amount of space that negatives took up. But, the downfall is that many people don’t bother getting prints made. Those who do get prints made often take their images to box stores that produce images that may look good in the short term, but those images eventually fade due to the lack of appropriate chemical calibration.

As a professional photographer, I use the services of Corporate Color in Grand Rapids. It’s important to me that I keep my business as local as possible. I personally know the owners and many of the employees there. But, for years, this service was exclusive to professionals with the appropriate credentials. That has changed. Last year, Corporate Color launched, its retail division.

“The digital age has opened opportunities to capture images with a multitude of devices but we also run the risk of losing those irreplaceable images (memories) due to device failure or obsolescence,” said Kathleen Taylor of “Recognizing the importance of sharing that message, MyProLab was launched to provide archival quality photographic products to Michigan residents.

“MyProLab offers a wide variety of photographic products including photographic prints, greeting cards, books, home décor, ornaments, gift products and more.”

Images can be uploaded from Facebook, Instagram or Dropbox accounts as well as from a computer.  “MyProLab products aren’t throw-aways,” Taylor said. “They’re produced to be enjoyed for decades to come.  We like to say don’t take your images to a pharmacy or warehouse where you buy milk and diapers.”

If you click on’s ad on this site, you will even be able to get 15% off of Valentine gifts.

Next week we will talk about camera basics.

For questions, feel free to email me at

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