By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.
MEARS — The “Silver Lake Off-Road Vehicle Area (SLORVA) Workshop” is set for this evening from 6-8 p.m. at the Golden Elementary School.
The workshop was organized by state officials following an outrage by sand dune enthusiasts last month due to a proposed voucher system at Silver Lake State Park that they felt would lock them out of the sand dunes on the weekends and overburden them with additional fees. The Department of Natural Resources proposed the plan as way of eliminating long lines to get into the ORV area.
The DNR appears to be working with the “duners” in working out a resolution agreeable to both sides. Chad Coker, who owns Appletree Automotive, and Chad Dumont and Albert Bancroft of B&L Motorsports, received a letter dated Jan. 5 from DNR Director Keith Creagh that sounds promising for the dune users. Coker made a proposal to the DNR to add more parking in order to eliminate the long lines into the ORV area.
“I look forward to a constructive discussion on January 12, 2015 that could consider:
– Enhanced access for ‘dune-ready vehicles’;
– Consideration of additional parking on-site and/or off-site;
– Processes that will also assure access to those coming from long distances;
– An annual evaluation process/forum to allow us to improve business processes and enhance dune experience;
– An implementation plan that considers short-term needs and a longer-term strategy.”
Coker had initially organized an ORV rally beginning at Appletree to the meeting location, but that has since been cancelled due to the cold weather. However, he is inviting dune enthusiasts to meet at Appletree at 5 p.m. for coffee and donuts.
The following is the agenda for tonight’s meeting:
State Representative Jon Bumstead
This is a participatory workshop. Everyone needs to take a turn and participate.
Time limits are identified to help focus input.
Be respectful as all ideas are important but not all are achievable.
Listening is key.
Cooperation to reach the desired outcome.
• No action has occurred and will not until we conclude this process to develop the best plan for the Silver Lake Off-Road Vehicle scramble area (SLORVA).
• Purpose and Expectations of this Workshop.
1. Enhance customer access to the SLORVA (including reducing wait line).
2. Improve efficiency.
3. Sustain a quality, safe recreation experience for users of the SLORVA.
Divide into workgroups with mix-match system to foster an efficient process. All tasks should relate to the three goals.
Task 1: What are the top 3 to 5 things that work well at the SLORVA? 10 mins.
What are the top 3 to 5 things that could be improved at the SLORVA that will enhance the goals? Place in order of priority.
Task 2: Take each of the top 3 enhancement priorities and develop key action steps with pros and cons. [Be brief with key words] 25 mins.
Task 3: Vote for your top 3 from all group results by affixing stickers to your choices. 10 mins.
Task 4: Reconvene your groups and focus on the top 3 Action Steps. 20 mins.
Divide into:
a. Potential implementation in 2015 season.
b. Implement in 2016 season.
c. Implement in 2017 and beyond (long-range).
Task 5: Discuss forming a friends group for the SLORVA. 10 mins.
Task 6: Discuss follow up mechanism to review progress from the Action Plans. 5 mins.
-Photos courtesy of Bill Loomis