Pentwater volunteers remove and carry away the old stairs at the home of an area resident who can no longer climb stairs before they replace it with a ramp.
Story and photos contributed by Ron Beeber.
PENTWATER — For many years, people wanting to support the philanthropic efforts of the Pentwater Service Club had only one option: walk up to the Club’s iconic “Bill Duncan Food Wagon” on the Village Green and buy a brat or hot dog, with all profits donated to worthy causes.
Now, there’s another way. The club has created the “Pentwater Service Club Fund” (PSCF) to which anyone can make a tax-deductible gift, with all monies donated to area nonprofit causes. The fund is one of the more than 100 “named funds” created by individuals, couples, families and organizations under the auspices of the Community Foundation for Oceana County (CFOC)

As volunteers bring up a new ramp section to be added to a local resident’s home, project leader Dave Slachter (at left) makes sure it aligns with the adjacent section. The volunteers removed an old set of stairs and replaced it with a handicap-accessible ramp.
The club’s contributions committee considers where support should go with monies from member dues, food sales proceeds, and
now, the fund. And then the entire club membership okays the giving plan.
“Many people don’t realize we meet weekly between September and June,” said club president Bill Maxwell. “We hear guest
speakers talk about current and emerging topics, and point out opportunities where financial and volunteer support is needed. We stay informed about what’s going on in the community and needs that suddenly arise.”
“At last week’s meeting, we heard that volunteers were needed to help a team from the Pentwater First Baptist Church install a wheelchair ramp at the home of an area resident who can no longer climb stairs,” said Ron Christians. A total of 14 from the church, artisan center, and our club turned out. It was very gratifying.”
Besides volunteer outreach, the club typically provides financial support to various Pentwater school activities, such as scholarships, a speech contest, a book fair, a student field trip to the state capital, Science Olympiad, the school’s electronic sign, yearbook, and media center lighting, as well as support to the local cub scouts, recreation program, community fireworks, village projects, the historical society, the Hart Performing Arts series and Pentwater preschool.
“Proceeds from food sales don’t let us contribute as often, or as much as, we’d like,” said club member Ron Beeber, who recently joined the CFOC board. “This is a terrific way for Pentwater’s year-round and seasonal residents, and our wonderful visitors, to help make a great place even better. For anyone wanting to advance the best interests of our community, contributing to the PSCF at the Oceana Community Foundation lets them be a part of a supportive network of like-minded folks who want to make a difference here. Together, we can help keep Pentwater a great place to call home or visit for many years.”
There are several circumstances that can trigger a contribution to the PSCF. Some make a gift part of their annual charitable
giving. Others include a gift in their estate plan. People have honored a deceased friend or relative with a memorial gift. And for those who are unable to help the club raise funds it donates, making a contribution to the PSCF is another way to provide personal support.
Checks payable to the Pentwater Service Club Fund can be mailed to CFOC, PO Box 367, Shelby, MI 49455. Or, one can charge the contribution to their personal credit card by going online to oceana foundation and clicking on “give” and then “online giving.” Enter “Pentwater Service Club.” Call the foundation at 231.861.8335 for more info.
The service club meets between September and May at Pentwater Public School every Thursday at 11:15 a.m. Lunch is available at 12:15 p.m. The club warmly welcomes new members. More information can be found at service club or the club’s Facebook page.