By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.
HART — The following were sentenced Monday, Dec. 1, by 27th Circuit Court Judge Terrence R. Thomas:
– Timothy Allen Strobridge, 39, of 681 E. Arthur Rd., Rothbury, was found guilty Oct. 6 of second-degree home invasion. He was sentenced to one year in jail to be served at the court’s discretion; 30 days forthwith beginning Dec. 27 after his doctor coordinates medications with the jail; and $198 in fines and costs.
”I made a mistake,” Strobridge said to the judge. “I thought I was helping a friend. I’m sorry.”
“You have enough problems,” Thomas said to Strobridge, who appeared in court wearing a neck brace and using a walker. “You don’t need a problem with the criminal justice system.”
“I believe a lot of this is way over-embellished by the client,” said Oceana County Prosecutor Joe Bizon, referring to Strobridge’s
medical condition.
– Michael Orton Degeneff, 49, of 8605 E. Ruth Rd., Branch, was found guilty Jan. 27 of controlled substance, delivery/manufacture of marijuana. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail with credit for one day served; sentence to be served at the court’s discretion; and $125 in fines and costs.
“It’s sad the way things are going with marijuana in this country, but that’s the way it goes,” the judge said.