78th District Court sentencings

November 26, 2014

ocean courthouseBy Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.

HART – The following were sentenced Monday, Nov. 24, in 78th District Court:

–      Kurtis Allen Vereeke, 45, of 2263 S. 204th Ave., Hesperia, was found guilty Nov. 24 of check – non-sufficient funds (NSF) $100 or less. He was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail and $450 in fines and costs. One felony count of NSF $500 or more was dismissed.

–      Alberto Rocha, 43, of 6827 N. 126th Ave., Hart, was found guilty Nov. 24 of operating while intoxicated (OWI). He was sentenced to nine days in jail (three weekends); outpatient treatment; six months probation; $1,680 in fines and costs; 93 days discretionary jail; no alcohol/drugs and must submit to testing and searches; and may not purchase or possess a firearm. One count of OWI second offense as dismissed.

–      Sarah Marie Wygant, 29, of 4125 E. White River Dr., Hesperia, pleaded no contest Nov. 24 to attempted interfering with an electronic communications device. She was sentenced to one year discretionary jail and $200 in fines and costs. One felony count of interfering with an electronic communications device was dismissed.

–      Kevin Grant VanDuinen, 28, of 5327 S. Oceana Dr., New Era, was found guilty Nov. 10 of operating while impaired. He was sentenced Nov. 24 to $940 in fines and costs; six months probation; 93 days discretionary jail; no alcohol/drugs and must submit to testing and searches; and may not purchase or possess a firearm. One count of operating while intoxicated was dismissed.

–      Beyonka Kay Ramirez, 21, of 217 N. Michigan Ave., Shelby, pleaded no contest Nov. 24 to disorderly person – jostling. She was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail and $450 in fines and costs. One count of assault and battery was dismissed.

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