Chris Dunn and Dean Gustafson were among the contingent of Pentwater Service Club volunteers who joined other community members to help construct new lighted holiday decorations being placed on 60 lamp poles along Hancock Street. The project is led by Mary Stiphany.
Story and photo contributed by Ron Beeber.
PENTWATER — Pentwater Service Club Program Chair Rand Gee has lined up some interesting speakers for upcoming meetings.
Members meet every Thursday at 11:15 a.m. at Pentwater Public School, with lunch following at 12:15 p.m. The Club recently added several new members and welcomes more. For more info, go to serviceclub.
Nov. 13: Club member Mark Benner will talk about the club’s reputation; its role in the community; and the potential to do even more.
Nov. 20: Shelby Gem Factory President Larry Kelly will provide an overview of his company’s products, customers and opportunities.
Dec. 4: The club will hold its monthly business meeting to review community outreach efforts and plans for 2015.
Dec. 11: The Community Foundation for Oceana County’s Youth Advisory Council is the topic. Members will hear how young people from five Oceana schools and home-schooled students help solve problems affecting their peers by reviewing grant proposals from agencies serving area youth.
Dec. 18: Club members and their spouses will enjoy the Pentwater School band’s annual holiday music program. The public is invited to the program. Guests wishing to stay for lunch ($6) should make a reservation with Club President Bill Maxwell at 869-5688.