District Court sentencings

June 4, 2014

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor.

HART — The following were sentenced Monday in 78th District Court:

– Melvin Junior Kissling, 42, of 2362 W. Cleveland Rd., New Era, pleaded no contest to disorderly person – jostling and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail. One count of assault and battery was dismissed.

– Daniel Lee DeHoff, 24, of 11423 US-31, Montague, was found guilty of allowing a person to drive in violation. He was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail and $400 in fines and costs.

– Patrick Allen Amstutz, 47, of 3387 Green St., Shelby, was found guilty of operating while impaired. He was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail; $1,040 in fines and costs; and outpatient treatment. Conviction reportable to the Secretary of State (SOS). One count of operating while intoxicated and one count of transporting open intoxicants were dismissed.

– Jerry Lee Andreas, 43, of 995 E. Liberty, Apt. 47, White Cloud, was found guilty of disorderly person – drunk. He was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail; outpatient treatment; and a $75 fine.

– Jason Frederick Wood, 27, of 3332 Beechnut St., Muskegon, was found guilty of driving while license suspended. He was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail and $475 in fines and costs. Conviction reportable to SOS.

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