Pentwater police advisory meeting is May 30

May 25, 2014

PENTWATER — The Village Police Advisory Committee will hold its spring meeting on Friday, May 30 at 1 p.m. in the village hall.

The VPAC is a group of citizens concerned with public safety and interested in working with the police department to improve police services for the Village of Pentwater. Originally formed in the spring of 2010, the group began meeting on a monthly basis focusing on a variety of issues: village cameras, police community relations, and traffic enforcement.

The format for this meeting will be informal with punch and light snacks provided. Topics to be covered will include, but not limited to, traffic enforcement, introduction of new officers, discussion of the new bicycle/parking work group, an update on last year’s Project Force Multiplication Through Enforcement, a discussion and review of the straight winds incident (April 12th, 2014), and any questions participants may want to ask. Everyone is invited.

If you have any issues that you want on the agenda or questions about VPAC, please feel free to contact the police department at 231-869-4630 or by email at

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