Inmates caught with jailhouse ‘hooch.’
#OceanaCountyNews #PoliceNews
By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.
HART — Two male inmates at the Oceana County Jail vomited after drinking a small amount of “hooch” that they made, according to Oceana County Jail Administrator Bethany Carrier.
Corrections officers found two cups with the remains of hooch, which is homemade alcohol, in the mens’ cell, Oct. 9, Carrier said. The two men, ages 27 and 21, were disciplined by having five days of their “good time” taken away, she said.
A garbage bag was found in their shower “with a strong odor of alcohol,” Carrier said. “They didn’t drink very much. It made them throw up.”
No medical treatment was necessary, she said.
It is unknown what specific “ingredients” they used to make the concoction, but inmates have been known to make hooch using fruit or bread that they are served during meals as well as sugar packets that they can purchase at the commissary, Carrier said.
The hooch bag was removed from the cell and discarded, Carrier said.
Making hooch is considered a serious jail violation, she said, but it is not considered a criminal act. However, had the inmates been underage, they would have been charged with minor in possession of alcohol (MIP).
“Hooch is not that common here, but it is in other jails,” Carrier said.