Man charged with drunk driving, marijuana, fleeing crash; victim captures him on video.

March 29, 2015

drunk driver

See video at

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

CRYSTAL TWP. — Dayna Hasil of Pentwater photographed and videoed this truck and its driver moments after the male driver nearly hit her vehicle head-on on Jefferson Road in Crystal Township Sunday evening. “I had just picked up my 9-year-old daughter from a friend’s house and was heading west on Jefferson Road. He was heading east and came right at me. He clipped the front of my vehicle and then kept going.”

Hasil called Mason-Oceana 911 (her husband, Ray, is the 911 director) and reported the incident. She then turned around to try to find the pickup. About 10 minutes later she found the pickup in a ditch and the driver stumbling around on the road. She said she witnessed him falling into a ditch and laying there for several minutes as well.

Oceana County Sheriff’s Office came to the scene and arrested the man, charging him with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, possession of marijuana and fleeing the scene of an accident, Hasil said.

OCP will post more information about the driver when it becomes available Monday morning.

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